
How Graphic Design Fits Into the Web Design Process

Posted by: Anthony

How Graphic Design Fits Into the Web Design Process

A graphic designer is an expert who is trained in Graphic Design. Emphasis is put on graphic images, typographical and or motion pictures to create a design. They put information across using images. In Web design, they are responsible for web graphics to maximize user interface interaction.

A web designer uses many skills to come up with a website in the process of web development. The web designer usually works closely with the graphic designer. The web designer provides the overall view of web page layout, coding, soft wares, and other search engines optimization.

The web designer holds the map to the process of web design while the graphic designer fits along the way to the destination. The graphic designer has a role within then process of web design.

Graphic Design and Web design are both part of the web development process. The systematic process of web development is planning, analysis, web design, implementation, promotion and innovation. The third stage of web development is where the Web designer fit, that is Web Design.

The systematic web design process is learning, planning, designing, coding, launching and maintaining. In designing is where the graphic designer fits in the web design process. In big companies, the graphic designer normally works under the web designer. In smaller companies, the web designer does the functions of the graphic designer.

The web designer deals with how the website should be constructed. The web designer provides an overview of the layout of the website. To each department specifications of the layout are given. The Graphic Design department gets the imaging of the web design.

The graphic designer has to know the customer's preference in terms of the message to be relayed by the website, by use of images. The client can even provide a sample example of the desired web site.

The next step in Graphic Design is coming up with a graphic outline for the web page. This should be something that has been conferred with client. It should be creative and different. By different, it should be unique and catchy. A graphic design can also be inspired by a previous design. The uniqueness of the design should be noticeable.

Once through, the next step is creating a structured layout of the graphic design. In most graphic designs, wire frames are used. Once the layout is approved, the actual work of visual communication begins.

This is where a graphic designer starts working with images which includes photographed, painted, and drawn or computer generated. It also includes designing of typographical images. Graphic designers can also use words differently. They design words to portray a message.

In smaller companies, a web designer can double up as a graphic design. This is usually due to shortage of man power in most of these companies'. A web designer handles an entire process of web design to completion.

Both have advantages and disadvantages. When a web designer handles the entire process without a graphic designer, there is deemed to have many errors. And vice versa is true. Having a graphic designer is expensive to most small companies. And vice versa is true.