
How Graphic Design Fits Into the Web Design Process

Posted by: Anthony

How Graphic Design Fits Into the Web Design Process

A graphic designer is an expert who is trained in Graphic Design. Emphasis is put on graphic images, typographical and or motion pictures to create a design.

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VOIP Benefits

Posted by: Jason

VOIP Benefits

In the business world, IP is more than just a way in which data can be transported, it has become a tool that is increasingly being used to simplify and streamline a wide range of business applications.

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Benefits of Remote IT Support for your Business

Posted by: Jason

Benefits of Remote IT Support for your Business

In order to maintain a competitive edge, successful companies rely on their robust data system to provide dependable and timely information. When software or hardware malfunctions, various system vulnerabilities are exposed, and operational efficiency is also degraded.

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Why Building Magento Wesites is Better

Posted by: Anthony

Why Building Magento Wesites is Better

There is any number of reasons you should choose Magento websites if you need an ecommerce solution.

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Responsive Website Designs Vs Traditional Website Designs

Posted by: Anthony

Responsive Website Designs Vs Traditional Website Designs

With so many companies depending on their company's website as being as a profitable marketing tool, designing a website is not as easy as one might think. A successful website for a business involves many different things including SEO marketing strategies and techniques. Fortunately, many web designers are following the latest trends in using Responsive Web Design instead of the traditional web design formats.

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The Advantages of Having an Online Backup System

Posted by: Jason

The Advantages of Having an Online Backup System

What real advantages are there to making use of an online backup service? Well, imagine yourself that you are coming home one day, only to be cut off by three fire trucks. As you go on, you get a terrible feeling inside your stomach as the fire trucks seem to be headed in the same way you are. Upon arriving home, you see it being scorched by the flames, with years upon years of memories stored in albums, tapes, cd backups, and memory sticks, all up in smoke.

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Using videos to drive traffic

Posted by: Anthony

Using videos to drive traffic

It seems that video is among the fastest growing type of content you can find on the web and in April of last year, more than 172 million Americans viewed on average fourteen point nine hours of internet video. This is a lot of video that is being consumed on the internet and for internet and e-commerce marketers this can only mean one thing: big money. The good news for online marketers is that search engines now offer video as part of their integrated search results. Why is this so great?

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The Importance Of Blogging

Posted by: Anthony

The Importance Of Blogging

Entering 2013 the importance of blogging will continue to grow as Google places a greater emphasis upon fresh and frequently updated content. Anyone who either runs a website, or is considering starting one, knows that in order to be successful you need traffic.

As the number one search engine in the world Google remains as the single most important factor in the ability of a website to attract new visitors. With it's obvious importance people running websites, or considering starting them, need to pay close attention to how Google ranks pages when a search is conducted. Knowing that blogging is going to be an area that Google focuses upon means that websites need to make blogging a large part of what they do going forward.

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Why get a website

Posted by: Anthony

Why get a website

Getting a website is important for your business. You might wonder why you need a website. These days, people use the Internet for just about everything. This is why getting a website is important for your business. Even though this is true, the image you portray online can make or break your business. This article will show you how to drive people to your site, and it will also let you know how to make sure that they come back.

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The future of I.T. in business?

Posted by: Alan

The future of I.T. in business?

What will be the impact of cloud based services on todays I.T. teams? How can WorldNZ help your business understand the advantages and the disadvantages of cloud services?

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Getting a website: where are the costs?

Posted by: Anthony

Getting a website: where are the costs?

So you have made the decision to have a website built for your business, but are not sure of what is involved, and where the costs lie?

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What to consider when getting a new website built

Posted by: Ashley Bryan

What to consider when getting a new website built

Over the coming years electronic communication and commerce will inevitably increase at a faster rate then ever before. The Internet gold rush is over, and now websites must compete for cyberspace, eyeballs and the dollar. It is time for web development to become more focused on quality rather than quantity, effectiveness rather than glamour

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Top 10 Reasons to Start a Blog

Posted by: Anthony

Top 10 Reasons to Start a Blog

Blogging is becoming more and more popular everyday. Take a look at this list to help you make your decision about blogging.

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Website: Informational or E-commerce?

Posted by: Anthony

Website: Informational or E-commerce?

The purpose of any business website is to promote a product or service online.

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