

We can help

Security has become an evil necessity with breaches happening around the world on a daily basis. Trends in hacking and other malicious methods of gaining your information are changing all the time and it is not enough to simply have an Anti-Virus product sitting on your desktop now.

We can help with Security Policies, User Education, Patch and Update Management, Edge Security, Network security, and Monitoring.

You can even talk to us about monitoring your premises with the latest IP Camera technology.


Laying the foundations

The first step in securing your company is to layout guidelines that let people know what is and what is not acceptable. We can compare this to what you currently have in place and let you know where your business is exposed to potential security breaches.

The basic Security Policy should include topics such as how long should your password be to what should you do if you discover you have been breached or lost a USB drive containing data. We can take you through the basics and show you where your business is at risk.


User Education

Relying on your anti-virus, web scanning, and firewall software is not enough. These will not protect you from a person clicking on a link that they shouldn’t and installing the latest Malware that will cause havoc on your network.

We offer customisable sessions that cater to you and your staff that can go as slowly or as quickly as you need depending on what you know already.

  • Learn what are the most common methods hackers use to gain access
  • Let us teach your staff how to surf the web safely and securely
  • Should you really believe a website when it says you have a virus?
  • Learn what clues to look for when deciding if an email is a scam or not
  • We will show you tips and tricks on how to create secure, memorable passwords
  • The dangers of USB drives, phones, and other things that gets lost.


Patch and Update Management

All software that we use will be updated, or patched, at some point in its lifetime to fix security flaws or offer new functionality. Regular patching is needed to protect your business or your home PC against software vulnerabilities and malicious attacks from hackers.

If this is not done then you run the risk of:

  • Downtime and lost productivity
  • Loss of critical business data
  • Loss of reputation Stolen intellectual property; or
  • Legal action

The basic Security Policy should include topics such as how long should your password be to what should you do if you discover you have been breached or lost a USB drive containing data. We can take you through the basics and show you where your business is at risk.