Facebook Microsite - What you get

What you get with a Facebook Microsite

A fully customised Facebook Microsite includes an attractive, branded Welcome Page and 4 additional content pages.  The Welcome Page features a brief introduction to your brand and includes a large graphic button to link back to your website.

A skyscraper-style graphic measuring 180x475px that displays your logo and brand in the Profile Image area

A box-style graphic measuring 520x234px that displays your logo and brand in the main area of the Welcome page - a great place to show off images of your products/services

You can set a different theme for Facebook fans and non-Facebook fans. This lets you provide special offers, promotions or news to people who have liked your page.

The 4 additional content pages can include pages like products and/or services, a contact page, testimonials etc

We'll assign you with admin privileges so you can login to your Facebook page and update the content whenever you need to.

We'll also setup a Tracking facility so you can see how your Facebook Business page is performing.

Connect with your customers, keep them updated!  Your Facebook Business page wall can be used like a blog where you can chat to your customers or potential customers and let them know what is going on in your industry, location or business.

Read more on the benefits of using Social Media ยป

The Facebook Microsite Promo is just $599!

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